Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Beverage Perfection Alliance (BPA) or 'Beer Club' explained...

Beer club started mid-2011 when 6 blokes in the office agreed that something needed to happen on a monthly basis to blossom their love and appreciation of a good brew.

The beery 6 consisted of myself, NM, KT, PF, DM2 and AC. We collaboratively became known as the Beverage Perfection Alliance (BPA). AC found himself as the elected chairman of the newly formed band of brothers boozers although I don't actually recall anybody voting!

We each agreed to buy a 6pack of beer on the last Friday of every month. We also had a spend limit of circa $20. The plan was to keep 1 bottle and swap 5. Therefore, the 6 of us would end up with a mixed 6pack. Voila!

In the early days, our 'leader' AC instigated a ratings system and there was even a process put in place for us to get together and discuss 'hoppy notes', effervescence, bitterness and the like. This all lasted 1 month. Far too intricate for 6 blokes! I'm not sure if we voted, but the general consensus was to scrap the ratings/review system. The brief changed simply to 'enjoy the beers and chat freely if desired'.

Some months we incorporated a theme. For example, Pale Ales. We'd all have to purchase a 6pack of Pale Ales. This was a nice concept but soon ran its course and quickly slipped back into a free for all.

A year on and the BPA is minus 2 members - AC and DM2. We're now a foursome. We seemed to have exhausted many avenues especially as we kept the limit to around $20. In an attempt to broaden our horizons and tap into the faster paced Victorian beer movement (vs the slower Queensland market), the 4 remaining members have started to purchase a carton of 24 between us online. How 21st century of us!

So, again, we each pick a 6pack. This time, keeping 3 and swapping the other 3. All very confusing but all in the name of good beer! To date, we've only purchased from Slowbeer and been very happy with the service, price and more importantly - the beer.

Future online purchases will appear on this blog.


  1. Brisbane based Beer Lovers & not a single Bacchus beer reviewed...?

    1. The same Ross Kenrick that works at Bacchus?

      Alas, no Bacchus brews have passed my lips - yet. In time, oh yes, just not yet. Although this blog isn't solely a 'review' site, I'd be only to happy to publish one.

    2. Hi Ross,

      Finally, I get my lips around a Bacchus brew - Trouble & Strife at Tippler's last Friday. Very nice indeed. Thank you!

