A recent visit to Archive in Brisbane's West End saw myself, Nick and Pete (the piss artists formerly known as NM and PF respectively) each grab a 6pack of different beers. The cunning, cash-saving plan was that we'd leave the fine establishment and all swap beers evenly thus enabling all 3 of us to trudge home that evening with 2 of this, 2 of that and 2 of something else.
Nick opted for Kooinda English Red Ale (4.7% abv), I chose Kooinda Milk Porter (4.7% abv) and Pete went for Red Duck Amber (4.9% abv). I'll try and write up one of my loose reviews for each of the Kooinda's soon but this review will be dedicated to Red Duck's Amber...
The review:
According to the Red Duck website, it's billed (get it? Billed...duck...bill? No? Forget it.) as a full-bodied, British style ale.
Firstly, there was no 'body' to it!
Secondly, there was no Britishness to it either! I'm in pretty good stead - regular visitors to this blog will be well aware that I herald from Blighty and I can confirm that this beer is nothing like I have ever tasted in my homeland.
As you can see in the photo above (click for larger view) it resembles that nasty drop from Gage Roads called London Best. I described London Best as nothing better than "fizzy brown water". Unfortunately, my opinion is the same for Red Duck's Amber. It is overly carbonated (also visible in the photo) and very tasteless.
When poured, the head confirmed the lack of body. It fizzled out in a matter of seconds. Not even long enough for me to focus the camera and take a snap.
Having been readily available from the chaps at Archive who hold all of their bottled stock in high regard (in a very chilled chiller room I might add) I have to say that I'm very disappointed.
The only plus point is that Pete ended up with 2 of these beers and not 6 thanks to our devilish plan to share.